Submission of Papers for NLSIU’’s Indian Journal of Law and Technology latest by January 31
Description about the Journal
The Journal is now indexed on research databases such as WestLaw, HeinOnline, the Legal Information Institute of India and Manupatra. There is an open access to all our articles from previous issues on our website.
Following are the categories in which IJLT is accepting submissions. These are:
- Articles within 5000-12000 words.
- Essays in a range of 3000-5000 words.
- Case Notes, Legislative Comments, Book/Article Reviews within 2000-6000 words.
The above limits are exclusive of footnotes. Substantive footnoting is allowed for the submissions.
Published annually by the National Law School of India University, Bangalore, IJLT (The Indian Journal of Law and Technology) is student-edited, peer-reviewed and an open access Law Journal. It is the first law journal in India primarily devoted to the study of the interface between law and technology.
The Journal carries scholarship in the following areas:
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Internet Governance
- Information Communication Technologies
- Access to medicine
- Privacy Rights
- Digital freedoms
- Openness
- Telecommunications Policy
- Media Law
- Innovation, etc.
Also, perspectives on contemporary issues involving the intersection of law, technology, industry and policy should be focused on.
Previous Journal
Prominent Authors like William Patry, Justice Michael Kirby, Yochai Benkler, Jonathan Zittrain, Donald S. Chisum, Justice S. Muralidhar, Benjamin Edelman, Gavin Sutter, Raymond T. Nimmer, John Frow, Christoph Antons, Lawrence Liang and Shamnad Basheer are among the ones whose master writings were featured in the previous issues of the IJLT.
Procedure of Submission
- There should be a cover letter in all submissions stating the names of the authors, their institution/affiliation, the title of the submission and contact details.
- An abstract with a maximum of 250 words should be submitted
- Co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of 3 authors only.
- The body of the paper shall be in:
- Font size-12
- Line spacing 1.5
- Font should be in Times New Roman
- All submissions should be emailed to both the email ids:
Format to submit: Full name of the author along with the contact details.
Last Date of submission: All the submissions should be emailed before 11:59 pm, January 31, 2017 to the above mentioned email ids.
Contact Details
Nimoy Kher: +919886095941
Aman Deep Borthakur: +919004002779