Evidences You Need To Collect To File A Case Against A Property Builder For Poor Construction

Evidences You Need To Collect To File A Case Against A Property Builder For Poor Construction
Evidences You Need To Collect To File A Case Against A Property Builder For Poor Construction

Evidences You Need To Collect To File A Case Against A Property Builder For Poor Construction 


A case against a property builder or a real-estate builder has to be filed in a consumer court if you find that the property sold to you involved any kind of fraud or dispute resulting in any type of damages to you as a consumer.

Following is the list of evidences you need to collect in order to file a case against a property builder-

  • Seller-Buyer agreement
  • Sale Deed
  • Receipt of payment made by you for the property.
  • Brochure or handbill published by the seller or real-estate company.
  • Any and all communication records made between you and the seller of the property through text, letters, and emails, if any.
  • Photographs and videos of the property in dispute for which the case is being filed in case your complaint is regarding bad material used in the construction of the property or you’ve found the property to be a misleading property.
  • Possession record or delayed possession of the property notice if your complaint involves property possession issues regarding the property.


What You Should Do Before Approaching The Consumer Court For Filing A Case Against The Property Builder For Poor Construction Of The Property-


Send A Legal Notice To The Seller/Property Builder-

Before approaching the consumer court if you find or notice that the builder or poor material has reduced the construction quality of the property has been used in the construction of the property that results in quick water leaking in the walls or roof of the property, walls of the property developing easy cracks, improper plumbing or any other construction terms and conditions of the property has been breached then it’s important for you to send a notice to the builder mentioning your concerns and request them to provide for a solution.

If the builder does not responds to your sent legal notice or clearly or vaguely refuses/ dismisses in anyway or makes too prolonged delays in providing you for a solution then you must approach the consumer court to claim first compensation for the property in dispute.


ALSO READ- What Is A Consumer Court And Types Of Consumer Courts In India




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