RMLNLU International Legal Essay Writing Competition (RILEC 2018)


RILEC 2018- Submission by 12th August


The Journal Committee at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow is pleased to announce the sixth edition of the RMLNLU International Legal Essay Writing Competition (RILEC 2018). The theme for this year’s edition is International Cyber Law.



In only a few years, the Internet has revolutionized trade, health, education, and, indeed, the very fabric of human communication and exchange. Moreover, its potential is far greater than what we have seen in the relatively short time since its creation. In managing, promoting, and protecting its presence in our lives, we need to be no less creative than those who invented it. Clearly, there is a need for governance, but that does not necessarily mean that it has to be done in the traditional way, for something that is so very different.” – K. Annan

It is said that internet has made the world smaller than ever. The internet revolution has passed the barriers of everyday life to redefining the way states interact with each other. While this has been welcoming for the global community, it has also given rise to questions which seem to be bigger than ever.

Cyberwarfare and state-sponsored cybercrimes are on the rise and the practice of espionage has entered into economic borders with nations indulged into the illegitimate exploitation of one another’s cyberspace. Hence, a pressing concern for an international treaty to regulate cyberlaw across the globe seems important. Considering its nature and growing popularity in armed conflicts, cyber-attacks are also proving to be a looming challenge to the humanitarian law.

In amidst of these global issues, new developments in the field of technology demand legal regulation. This brings us to take notice of the problems that transnational nature of blockchain has created with respect to conflict resolution. Technological developments have also presented new cybersecurity issues in encryption of data. In addition to this, electronic devices have become a convenient tool to breach the privacy of individual and the protest is largely valid. These concerns have tightly gripped and encompassed the global community and addresal of these issues is the pressing need of the present time.

In order to encourage the young minds, come up with ideas and academic work on the present subject, International Cyber Law forms the theme of the 6th RMLNLU International Legal Essay Writing Competition.


  1. Role of Intergovernmental Organisations and Communities in the Development of International Cyber Law
  2. Legal Issues in Encryption of Data and Transmission of Such Encrypted Data
  3. Privacy Threats in Cyberspace: How Should the Law Intervene?
  4. Cyberwarfare in Context of International Humanitarian Law
  5. Transnational Economic Espionage in Cyberspace
  6. Blockchain Technology: Importance of Transnational Laws and Jurisdictional Issues in Blockchain Dispute Resolution.


The competition is open for students pursuing a 3 year LL.B. course or 5 year integrated LL.B. course, in India and equivalent undergraduate law degree, abroad.

Students pursuing LL.M. or Ph.D.; and/or professionals are barred from participating in the competition.

Note – Students of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow are barred from participating in the competition.

Participation Guidelines

  1. Co-authorship of entries is strictly not allowed.
  2. Multiple entries for individual authors are not allowed.
  3. A participant may submit an entry related to ONE subtheme ONLY. One may not juxtapose subthemes in an entry.
  4. Entries should be original, unpublished and non-plagiarised.



Submission Guidelines:

Participants are requested to adhere to the following submission guidelines:

  1. Word Limit for the Competition: 4000-4500 words (excluding footnotes).
  1. Individual Attachments: Name; contact details; current academic status (Year, University etc.); undertaking as to guarantee of originality.
  2. Formatting specifications:
  1. Font and size for the essay: Times New Roman | 12
  2. Font and size for footnotes: Times New Roman | 10
  3. Line spacing: 1.5
  4. Citation Style: Uniform style of citation should be followed throughout the essay.
  5. The file name must consist only of the author’s name.
  6. Submissions should be emailed to rilec.rmlnlu@gmail.com under the subject title “Submission for 6th RILEC – [Name(s) of Author(s)]” in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.
  7. The last date for the submission of soft copies is 12th August, 2018.

Miscellaneous Rules:

  1. The copyright for all entries shall vest with the organisers who herewith reserve the right to modify, postpone or defer the competition and its adjudication indefinitely as and when exigencies of an unforeseen nature may arise.
  2. Any attempt, direct or indirect, to contact the panel of judges will be met with the immediate disqualification of the relevant entry.
  3. Any indication of author’s name or university in the entry shall lead to immediate disqualification from the competition.


  1. Winner – INR 15,000
  2. First Runner-up – INR 10,000
  3. Second Runner-up – INR 5,000

Top three entries will be receiving a ‘certificate of achievement’.

A ‘certificate of merit’ shall be provided to the top 10 entries.

Further, Top 10 entries will be published on ‘The RMLNLU Law Review Blog’ and a certificate of publication shall be provided for the same.

Note – All participants shall be receiving a ‘certificate of participation’.


Download the brochure from the link given below:

RILEC 2018 Brochure



Contact Details:

  1. Write us at rmlnlu@gmail.com in case of queries.
  2. You may also reach us through the phone.
  3. Shrey Uttam – +91 9455868474
  4. Kanay Pisal – +91 7869789078
  5. Parimal Kashyap – +91 9889790027



Photo by: https://www.pexels.com/photo/bookcase-books-classroom-college-289742/




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