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South Australia gets improvements in its child protection system


After a late-night sitting of Parliament, Australian troubled child protection system is set to have crucial improvements to better protect at-risk children. MPs voted to approve long-awaited legislation acting on a raft of 260 recommendations made by Royal Commissioner Margaret Nyland in its report in August.

The Bill has shifted the responsibilities of care to the chief executive of the Child Protection Department for at-risk children and those in state care.


The new laws will:

STRENGTHEN drug testing of at-risk parents.

EXPLICITLY outlaw genital mutilation of children.

ENABLE better information-sharing to ensure children do not slip through gaps between government agencies.

GIVE more information to foster carers about the backgrounds of troubled children coming into their home, so they are better prepared to care for them.

ALLOW foster carers to seek an external review when a child is removed from their care.

SET clearer timelines about when children are removed from unsafe parents and placed permanently with foster carers, to give them more stability.

MAKE safety the most important factor when considering who should care for a child.


Child Protection Reform Minister John Rau opinion:


Education and Child Development Minister Susan Close Views:


The Opposition:


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