Taking Legal Action Following the Loss of a Loved One: What You Need to Know

Taking Legal Action Following the Loss of a Loved One- What You Need to Know
Taking Legal Action Following the Loss of a Loved One- What You Need to Know

Taking Legal Action Following the Loss of a Loved One: What You Need to Know

Losing someone you love is one of the biggest challenges that life can throw at you. When a family member dies unexpectedly or is taken too soon, it can be particularly challenging to cope with the shock and grief that arises.

However, it isn’t just the emotional impact that you’ll need to deal with.

When a loved one dies, there are numerous practical and financial matters to deal with too.

If you’ve lost a loved one due to someone else’s carelessness or negligence, you may also need to decide whether or not to take legal action.

What is a ‘Wrongful Death’?

In legal terms, a wrongful death occurs if someone is killed due to carelessness or negligence.

This can be due to various types of incidents, such as a car accident, medical malpractice, workplace accidents or injuries that arise because of defective products.

Individuals and organizations, like companies, can be responsible for wrongful deaths. In these situations, they can be forced to accept liability for the incident which has caused a fatality.

This means that the family members who have lost someone due to a wrongful death can be eligible to take legal action against the person or organization responsible.

Why Should You Take Legal Action?

When you’re dealing with the emotional impact of the death of a close relative, making a wrongful death claim might be the last thing on your mind. However, taking legal action can offer practical and financial benefits.

If your claim is successful, for example, you’ll be awarded compensation. Although financial recompense cannot alleviate the pain of losing someone, it can help you to cope with the practical and financial consequences following their death.

In addition to this, taking legal action following a wrongful death ensures that the person or people responsible are held to account.

For many families, making a successful claim feels like justice is being done. What’s more – your claim may encourage people and companies to behave more carefully in the future, which could prevent others from being hurt or killed.

If you do decide to make a claim following the loss of a loved one, it’s important to work with a law firm that is sensitive to your needs at this difficult time.

When you have experienced and compassionate lawyers like the Henry Law Firm on your side, you can be confident that your claim will be dealt with sensitively and with the care and attention it deserves.

What Compensation Will You Receive?

The type of compensation you will receive following a successful claim depends on the specific circumstances that arose to cause the death and the future practical impact that the incident will have.

You can receive compensation for pecuniary loss, such as the loss of pensions, future earnings and the loss of companionship, for example. It may also be possible to claim punitive damages as part of your wrongful death claim.

If you’ve suffered the loss of someone close to you and you believe their death was ‘wrongful’, it’s always advisable to get legal advice. By doing so, you can get the support you need and explore the possibility of taking legal action on behalf of the person you’ve lost too soon.


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