The difference between a Customer and a Consumer

The difference between a Customer and a Consumer
The difference between a Customer and a Consumer

What is the difference between a Customer and a Consumer

Who is a Customer?

A customer is someone who buys goods or a commodity and pays the price for it. 

Who is a Consumer?

A consumer is someone who consumes the goods. Who is the user of the goods purchased by him/her. 

Difference between a Customer and a Consumer-

  1. The one who buys goods or services from a seller for a price is a Customer, whereas a Consumer is someone who uses and consumes the goods bought from the seller. 
  2. To use a product or service, the customer needs to buy it first, whereas a Consumer may or may not buy a product. 
  3. A customer shall buy a product or a service either for a resale or for consumption, whereas, a Consumer buys a product or service only for consumption.
  4. A Customer can be an individual or a Company, whereas, a Consumer can be an individual, a family or a group. 
  5. A customer has the ability to resell the purchased goods, whereas a Consumer can not resell the bought product or service. 




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