What Is Independence Really?
Professions are nothing more than a medium to earn a livelihood. But are sadly taken & mistaken as your whole “IDENTITY” that botches your actual identity that is boundless & limitless!
There are NO Nations across the globe! All there is.. is CONTROL & CONDITIONING!
Free yourself from Dictations & CONTROLS!
Free yourself from the boundaries of the World!
Free yourself from that fake relationship that botches up your freedom!
Free yourself from the haunt of society that dictates you to be a certain way!
Free yourself from the ADDICTION of PRAISES! PRAISES in actuality are THE DEADLIEST EGOIC TRAPS to keep you tied down to that post, position, being a certain way, a relationship, or a way to be JUST to “MAINTAIN” those praises.
STOP numbing your minds to dictations!
ONLY THEN.. can you flag “INDEPENDENCE”!