Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Indian Penal Code

Hurt & Grievous Hurt – (Definition, Meaning, Difference)

  Hurt & Grievous Hurt – (Definition, Meaning, Difference) Hurt & Grievous Hurt – (Definition, Meaning, Difference)     Hurt- Section -319 Whoever causes bodily pain,...

Causes of Crime – Indian Kanoon

Causes of Crime What are the causes of crime? There are various causes of crime. Which are described officially are stated below...

Difference between Inquiry and Investigation

Difference between Inquiry and Investigation INQUIRY - Inquiry is a process which is brought in motion for the...

Ex Parte (Defined & Explained)

Ex Parte (Defined & Explained) Ex Parte means making an application to the Court without giving a notice to the other side. The other party...

Domicile ( definition & explanation)

Domicile ( definition & explanation) A domicile is the residence of a person which is fixed and permanent to which he returns or intends to...

Deponent ( definition & explanation)

Deponent ( definition & explanation) A person who under an oath or affirmation, gives an affidavit or disposition. A deponent is a person who gives...

Delegatus non potest delegare ( Definition & Explanation)

Delegatus non potest delegare ( Definition & Explanation) This is a Latin term which means- a delegate cannot delegate. A person to whom an authority or...

De facto (Definition & Explanation)

De facto (Definition & Explanation) De facto literally means "in fact" or "in reality". It is something which exist in fact although not nescessiraly approved legally....

Covenant- (Defined & Explained)

Covenant- (Defined & Explained) An agreement, a contract, a written promise between two individuals which constitutes a pledge/promise to do or not to do a...

Section 299 Culpable Homicide

Section 299 Culpable Homicide Section 299 Culpable Homicide Definition of Culpable Homicide - Section 299 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 Who ever causes death by committing an...

Caveat (Definition & Meaning)

Caveat (Definition & Meaning) It literally means "beware". It is a warning or a formal notice given by an interested party to a court, or...

Burden of Proof ( Meaning & Definition)

Burden of Proof ( Meaning & Definition) Burden of proof is a rule of evidence that requires a party to prove a disputed fact in...

Criminal Conspiracy Section 120A of Indian Penal Code, 1860

Criminal Conspiracy Section 120A of Indian Penal Code, 1860 Criminal Conspiracy - Definition - Section 120A - When two or more persons agree to do, or...

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